brandon king
(b. 1984) 

multidisciplinary artist, from the Atlantic Ocean by way of Hampton Roads VA, brandon creates installations exploring African Diasporic identities, honoring his ancestors’ stories through archival and found materials, sound collage, painting, film, and other forms. his practice generates pathways to acknowledge and alchemize harms committed to disrupt despair, to equip and strengthen past, present, and future generations.




brandon is a founding member of Cooperation Jackson, a cooperative network in Jackson Mississippi and currently serves as Executive of Resonate Coop, an international, open source, music streaming platform cooperative. subt.le is based in NYC and is currently an MFA candidate at Queens College focusing on Social Practice and Installation. he is also a member of the New York City based artist collective PTP

COON: Steppin’ Fetch-It’s Redemption (2011)

oil pastel, acrylic & markers on paper
26 x 47 inches

Stepin Fetchit was the first millionaire Black actor also called by white america as the ‘laziest man alive.’ behind the frame are white caricaturs in Black face enjoying the residual earnings of Fetchit’s labor through entertainment- the same ones that would drive him as a millionaire into bankruptcy. the position of Fetchit in white face in battle with limbs of Black enslaved people constructs the limitations of how is entertainment was received and to which he was conditioned and upheld by white supremacist partriarchy as contigent to his commerical success.